Saturday, August 29, 2009

Journal Entry - Partly Sunny With a Chance of Overload

Dear Diary,

I -- as always -- am trying to do too many things at once. The washer has stopped filling because I haven't put the laundry in yet because I figured I had a minute to check my email while my waffles are in the toaster and the electric tea kettle hasn't shut off yet.


I'm really wired today. I'm still translating my plotting grid from poster board to computer, which is going okay, except I just don't seem to have enough space. Grrr. I split the doc into two pages, legal sized so that I can still post it on the wall and write-in comments as brain storms occur. I think it will work and it's definitely now portable. But it's different and change takes a minute. (That's all the time I have, so that's all the time it gets.)

This is for the remainder of The Wicked and the Wonderful, which I recently sold to Dorchester. I'm at a point in the story where the main and subplot need to be carefully followed so I don't leave any loose ends. And the secondary characters with their unique story purpose and individual quirks could be so easily lost right now. Can't have that happen. Don't want any nasty reader letters.

But, it's Saturday, so the writing -- especially today since the sun made an unexpected appearance -- must take place episodically, between real life.

Really, I do love it though. My mind will race all day. I'll steal away here and there as I can to spew a few paragraphs onto a page and run off to the next to-do.

Right now, that's running to the corner drug store for a pack of AA batteries because my wireless mouse has died. Ugh. Then, put that load in the laundry, make a cup of tea (that will be sipped for hours), gulp down the waffles and write some more.


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